About PFAN

Peterborough Food Action Network (PFAN)

This site is created and maintained by the Peterborough Food Action Network (PFAN). PFAN’s vision is that everyone in Peterborough City and County will have enough healthy food to eat as part of a long-term food security strategy. PFAN brings together agencies and individuals to build community food security as part of local poverty reduction efforts. All voices are important, and welcomed. To get connected through meetings and/or regular email updates, visit the Contact Us page.

PFAN meetings

PFAN virtual meetings take place on the third Thursday, every other month, from 1-2:30pm.

A community enjoys food security when:

  • all people, at all times, have physical & economic access to nutritious, safe, personally and culturally appropriate foods,
  • food is produced in ways that are environmentally sound, socially just, and promote community self reliance, and
  • food is provided in a manner that promotes human dignity.